A product bundle is a product type that allows users to purchase multiple, grouped products at once. A product bundle can contain as many or as few products as you like. The actual entry in the database of a product bundle doesn’t actually contain any products itself. Rather, it is more like a reference of products that will be purchased together.
Here are some general things to know about bundled products:
How to make a Product Bundle
Making a Product Bundle is easy. Basically, all you do is make a new Bundle product and then add the products that you wish to appear in the bundle. The first thing to do is understand what kind of bundle you want to make. There are three kinds:
Making each kind of bundle above follows the exact same process. The only benefit is that the first two already show up in the appropriate sections of the Shop whereas the third one needs to be told where to live. The third one is better for bundles that contain non-avatar goods.
Bundle Type Locations
As an easy reference, below are the links to the dummy bundle product pages:
Female Dummy Bundle
Male Dummy Bundle
Everything Dummy Bundle
Creating a Bundled Product – Creating the Empty Package
Creating a Bundled Product – Adding Individual Items to the Bundle
Creating a Bundled Product – Finalize the Product Page and Publish
Bundle Pricing
Bundle Derivation Cost
This is the sum of the bundles. It represents the 275cr fee and the prices of all the products in the bundle minus IMVU’s 10% markup.
Bundle Profit
When adding a bundle profit, the number MUST be a positive integer.