1. Introduction
Are you ready to sell your own creations in the IMVU Catalog and make money?
This tutorial will walk you through the process, showing you how to Upload a Project to the IMVU Catalog. Once it has been uploaded, it will become a Product. This means that it will be added to the IMVU Catalog and given a Product ID.
At the end of this guide your product will be visible in the Shop and people will be able to purchase it!
You can watch the video below that explains the process of uploading products, or read on!
2. Open your project
Once you have created and saved a project, and you are happy about how it looks, it is time to upload it to the shop.

When you click on the Open a Local Project button, your “IMVU Projects” folder will open.

The Editor will open.
A default avatar is displayed on your screen.

The one on the screen will be substituted with the one you have chosen.
3. Upload your Product
Uploading a Product costs Credits and requires a thorough knowledge of the Virtual Goods Policy.

The Upload button is smart enough to know whether you are trying to submit a brand new product or just editing an existing one.
The Product Submission Card will pop up.
● Edit Product Information
The Product Submission Card contains input fields for everything your product requires in order to be submitted to IMVU.
● Submit Product to the Shop

● Product Page
Once you have submitted your product to the Shop, a browser window will open with your product’s information (Product Page).
From the Product Page, you can do a lot of things such as Add Custom HTML, Toggle Visibility, Edit Product Settings, or Publish the Product.
○ Publish
When you want to use your product out in public and/or want people to be able to buy it, you are ready to Publish.
There is a Red Publish Bar at the top of your Product Page.

● Peer Review
Peer Review is an opportunity for Creators to test your product and its description.
IMVU users will have a chance to vote on whether it meets the requirements set forth in the Virtual Goods Policy and to be added to the IMVU Catalog.
We also encourage you to be a peer reviewer yourself. Once you Sign Up to be a Creator, even if you have never submitted a product, you can review products. This will give you ideas about how to test your product as well as help get more products into the IMVU Catalog.
Once your product is in Peer Review, your Product Page will show a bar at the top warning potential customers that this product is in Peer Review and may not pass.
While a product is in Peer Review, customers may prefer not to purchase it because it could be taken away from them if it does not pass Peer Review. Therefore, you may want to hide your product until it passes Peer Review.

You will receive a message once your product has passed Peer Review.
On your Product Page the Warning Bar has turned green. Now people will know your product passed Peer Review.

4. Sell your Product and Earn Credits
CONGRATULATIONS! Your product is in the IMVU Catalog already!
You can start making sales and earning credits! And others can derive from your product so you earn even more credits!