Publishing a Product

Looking to sell your products on IMVU? Many creators make a living from their Shops and end up building their own businesses. For others, it is a hobby and/or a way to express their passion for creating. 

Whether you love to create trendy products and/or meshes that others build on,  if you want IMVU customers to purchase, derive from, and/or wear your creations, your products must be published on the IMVU Catalog.

This quick tutorial will walk you through the process of publishing a product.

When you create and/or derive from a product, please keep in mind your Responsibilities as a Creator.

Product Page

Once you have submitted your product to your Shop from IMVU Studio, the Product Page opens in a browser window.

The Product Page contains not only the important information of the product that you have configured on IMVU Studio such as Thumbnail, Name, Price, Derivability, Bundlability, and/or Product Visibility among others, but also provides key information like the Product Identification Number (PID) and the Derivation Tree.

From the Product Page, you can do a lot of things such as Add Custom HTML, Toggle Visibility, or Publish your Product.

Publish a Product

If you want IMVU users to buy and/or see your products, you need to Publish them. 

To do so, click on the “Click here to publish it” link in the Red Bar of your Product Page.

As you can see, the previous red bar turns into an orange one. This means that your product is in Peer Review.

When a product is published, it is immediately sent to Peer Review.  Peer Review is a process in which other users review product submissions and make sure that they comply with IMVU guidelines before they are placed on the Catalog.

You can become a Peer Reviewer at any time. By doing so, you will get ideas about how to test your products and ensure that they follow our Virtual Goods Policy.

To learn more about Peer Review and how to participate, please click here.

Keep in mind that Peer Review can take a few hours to complete.

Remember that when your product is in Peer Review you can use it,  test it, and wear it, but no one else has permission to see it.

Once your item passes Peer Review, a message is sent notifying you about it.

On your Product’s Page, the orange bar turns into green indicating that your product has passed Peer Review.


CONGRATULATIONS! Now,  your product can be seen, purchased, and gifted

Wearing and gifting your own items is a great way to advertise your Shop. Find out how to wear and gift your own products by clicking here

Updated on July 21, 2023

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