Are you ready to sell your own creations in the IMVU Catalog and make money? Of course! Let’s get started Submitting your Project!
What is Submitting?
Submitting is the process of uploading a new Project or edited Product to the IMVU Catalog. When a new Project is submitted, it is given a Product ID (PID), a unique identifier that allows anyone to search for the item directly. Once it has been submitted, it will become a Product.
How to Submit a Product
Once you have your product ready, it is time to submit it to the Shop.
• Home Mode

The Edit Mode opens.
• Edit Mode
On the right hand side of the IMVU Studio interface is the INFO Panel.
This Panel contains all the necessary information in order to submit your product to the Shop. These include the following:
Thumbnail |
Name |
Type |
Rating |
Category |
Compatibility |
Product Price |
One-Time Fees |
Search Keywords |
Controls |
• Submit your Product
Submitting a Product costs Credits and requires a thorough knowledge of the Virtual Goods Policy.
Once you’ve filled out the details in the INFO Panel, you are ready to Submit your product.
The SUBMIT button is smart enough to know whether you are trying to submit a brand new product or just editing an existing one.
A pop-up message will appear once the product has been submitted to the Shop.
• Product Page
Your browser will open, and you will be redirected to your Product Page in the IMVU Classic Website.
Publish your Product
When you submit a product to the Shop, you are the only one who can wear and use it. You need to publish your product if you want others to see/buy it.
Once you have published your product and it has passed Peer Review, it is in the IMVU Catalog.
CONGRATULATIONS! Your product is in the IMVU Catalog! Your product is visible, so consumers can see and buy it.
Sell your Products and Earn Credits
You can start making sales and earning credits!
You can market your Shop and your products by wearing and gifting them.