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  4. Submitting Your Project

Submitting Your Project

Are you ready to sell your own creations in the IMVU Catalog and make money? Of course! Let’s get started Submitting your Project!

What is Submitting?

Submitting is the process of uploading a new Project or edited Product to the IMVU Catalog. When a new Project is submitted, it is given a Product ID (PID), a unique identifier that allows anyone to search for the item directly. Once it has been submitted, it will become a Product.

Project, Product, and Product ID (PID)

  • Project – A creation that is saved to your local computer.
  • Product – A creation that was published to the IMVU Catalog.
  • Product ID (PID) – Product Identification Number. It is assigned when a product is submitted to the Catalog.

Keep in mind

Submitting a Product does not immediately make it available for purchase. It needs to pass Peer Review first before others can see and purchase it.

How to Submit a Product

Once you have your product ready, it is time to submit it to the Shop.

•  Home Mode

After logging in to IMVU Studio, find the product you want to submit to the Shop and click on the Edit button.

The Edit Mode opens.

•  Edit Mode

On the right hand side of the IMVU Studio interface is the INFO Panel.

This Panel contains all the necessary information in order to submit your product to the Shop. These include the following:


  • This is the first thing about your product that your customer sees. Therefore, a good thumbnail can make a product more attractive to customers.
  • Classic Shop Image will be displayed on the IMVU Classic Website and it is required in order to submit a product to the Shop.
    • Product Image Guideline for the IMVU Classic Website:
      • The product image must be 100 x 80 pixels and its size 50 KB or less.
      • Supported file types: GIF, JPG, or PNG.
      • The image file name must be 50 characters or less.
  • NEXT Shop Image will be displayed on the IMVU Website and IMVU Desktop App.
    • When clicking on the CHOOSE PHOTO button, you can choose, among pre designed images, the one you want to be displayed in the Product Preview Window of the IMVU Website and IMVU Desktop App.

    For more information about how to make a good thumbnail, please check out the “Creating Catalog Snapshots” article.


  • This is how your customers will find your product.
  • Product names matter to a product’s relevance in Catalog searches. So, choosing a clear name will have a good impact on sales
  • There is a 24 character limit for product names.
Product Name, Project Name, and Project Folder

  • The name you give your product in the INFO Panel is also the name of the project as it appears in the DRAFT section of IMVU Studio Home Mode.
  • This may be different from the name of the project folder in the IMVU Studio Projects folder in your Documents folder depending on how the project was first saved.
  • The name you give your product when prompted by the Save As New dialog, while doing a Save for the first time or Save As, is the name given to the product and project folder.
  • If you are ever unsure of the name of the project folder, you can check this in the INFO Panel by looking at Folder, under the product Name field.


  • This is the type of item you are Creating. It is pre-filled depending on the base product you derived from to create the current item.
    • For example, if  you want a product to end up in Furniture, you have to derive from a Furniture product.


  • The IMVU Terms of Service requires that every Creator rate each product they submit to the IMVU Catalog appropriately.
  • Every product available for purchase in the IMVU Catalog has a rating of General Audience (GA) or Access Pass Only (AP).
    • GA
      • Goods available to all users.
      • Users are required to be 13 years or older.
    • AP 
      • Goods available only to users aged 18 years or older who have purchased the Access Pass.

    • GA products can be rerated and submitted as AP, but
    • AP products cannot be rerated and submitted as GA

    Once a product is rated and submitted as AP, it is forever AP and all derivations must be AP. You can’t make a GA product which is derived from an AP product!

    If your product is inappropriately rated, it will fail Peer Review and/or be flagged for review by a member of the community. So, please make sure you understand the Virtual Goods Policy before setting the rating.


  • This will depend on your product’s Type. For example, if you are creating Clothing, you can choose whether the product is a Top, Bottom, etc.
  • Choosing the category that best suits the product you are submitting helps consumers to know which kind of product they are purchasing.


  • This determines which avatars will work with your product.
    • Female: your product will be only compatible with female avatars.
    • Male: your product will be only compatible with male avatars.
    • Unisex: your product will be compatible for both female and male avatars.
    • Custom: your product will be only compatible with the typed PID.
  • Compatibility pertains to avatar related products only such as body, clothing, and accessory products.

Product Price

  • Your Profit 
    • Credits you will earn once your product is purchased by consumers.
    • You can set any number in this field from 0 to 999,999.
    • Adding or changing the Profit does not result in existing Products going through Peer Review.

      You must set a Profit in order to submit your product!

  • Derivation Fee
    • It is a fee you will pay to the Creator you are deriving from in order to submit your product to the Shop.
    • Depending on the kind of product you are creating and how many products are in the subsequent chain, the fee will be lower or higher.
  • Mark Up
    • It is the amount charged (10%) for submitting your product. This is standard.
  • Total Price
    • It is made up of three components: Your Profit, Derivation Fee, and Mark Up.
    • As you type in the Profit field, the Mark Up and Total Price of the product is calculated on the fly.

One-Time Fees

  • One-Time Fees break down what you will be paying.
    • Submission Fee: the fee charged by IMVU.
    • Derivation Fee: the fee you will pay to the Creator you are deriving from.
    • Total Fees: the number of Credits you will be paying in order to submit your product.

Search Keywords

  • Many consumers search products in the Shop using keywords. Although this field is not required to submit your product, we encourage you to add keywords to help customers to find your product.
    • Keywords must be 30 characters or less and separated by commas (no spaces).
    • The more relevant the keywords are, the easier your Product can be found by potential buyers.


  • These Control toggles allow to set four important features of your product:
    • Derivable
      • It allows Creators to derive new products from this product.
      • This setting cannot be turned off if the product has been derived from. That is to say, once a product has been derived from, the Derivable Control as well as Profit are permanently locked.

      Keep in mind

      If you make your product derivable, you will not be able to resubmit it to the Shop once another Creator has derived from it!

    • Searchable 
      • If you check this option, it makes your product visible in the IMVU Shop.
      • If you un-check this option (hide your product), it does not affect its usability to those who already own it.


      If you do not make your products searchable, customers will not be able to find them in the IMVU Shop!

    • Display only 
      • If this option is checked, your product is visible in the IMVU Shop but consumers cannot buy it.
    • Allow inclusion in 3rd party bundles
      • This feature allows other Creators to add your product to their Product Bundles, Promotional Bundles, Outfits, etc., if they have also purchased the item.
      • When a Creator sells a bundle with your item in it, you will receive your full profit as if you had sold the item.
      • This setting can be changed at any time but it will not remove the item from already existing bundles.

Control Defaults

You can change the Default Settings for “Derivable”, “Searchable”, “Display only”, and “Allow inclusion in 3rd party bundles” by going to Preferences in IMVU Studio.
You can access to Preferences in the top left corner of the screen when clicking on  ➞ Preferences.

•  Submit your Product

Submitting a Product costs Credits and requires a thorough knowledge of the Virtual Goods Policy.

Please, take a look at our “Your Responsibilities as a Creator” article to understand and learn about the importance of following Creator Guidelines.

Once you’ve filled out the details in the INFO Panel, you are ready to Submit your product.

Click SUBMIT on the upper-right corner of the Editor Mode.

The SUBMIT button is smart enough to know whether you are trying to submit a brand new product or just editing an existing one.

Click SUBMIT on the pop-up to confirm the action.

A pop-up message will appear once the product has been submitted to the Shop.

Click OK.

•  Product Page

Your browser will open, and you will be redirected to your Product Page in the IMVU Classic Website.

If you close this page and then cannot find your product in your Catalog, don’t panic, it will take a while for IMVU’s servers to catch up and see the new item in your Catalog.

You can get back to it by using any of the following:

  • Browser History
  • Your Inventory
  • Your Creator Dashboard under “My Projects”. When clicking on your product’s name, the Product Page will open in a browser window.

Publish your Product

When you submit a product to the Shop, you are the only one who can wear and use it. You need to publish your product if you want others to see/buy it.

Learn about how to publish a product by reading the article “Publishing a Product”.

Once you have published your product and it has passed Peer Review, it is in the IMVU Catalog.

To confirm your product is in the Shop:

  1. Go to Shop
  2. Type your Avatar Name
  3. Search for your product

CONGRATULATIONS! Your product is in the IMVU Catalog! Your product is visible, so consumers can see and buy it.

Sell your Products and Earn Credits

You can start making sales and earning credits! 

You can market your Shop and your products by wearing and gifting them.

For more information about how to wear and gift your own products, please click here.

Updated on February 28, 2025

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