Transparency Hint

When making materials with Composite Blend, there can sometimes be unexpected results when the camera is moving around. This can be controlled by using the transparency hint field.

In short, materials with the higher priority get rendered on top of materials with a lower priority.


Here we have two planes, where the purple plane is physically in front of the pink plane

I’ll use an opacity map and composite blend to number them

By default, the priority is set to 0 on both materials. Sometimes this can cause unexpected results, and you may want to specify which material is shown in front of the other, regardless of the position.


Here, I set the pink materials priority to 1. Higher numbers, will be rendered in front of lower numbers

Here is what the pink material looks like from the inspector. Notice the new Priority field which only shows up when the Transparency Mode is set to either Composite Blend or Additive Blend

The priority will be shown in the Material list next to the material name

You can double click the number in the Material tab to edit the priority from there as well

Updated on January 12, 2024

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