Released January 29, 2025
New Features and Improvements
Material Bulk Edit
Edit properties across multiple materials.
Keyword Pills
We encapsulated keyword entries into pills. This will help greatly reduce entry errors.
Remove Unused Assets
We’ve added the ability to remove all unused assets via the Asset Panel.
New Camera mode
We are releasing a ‘beta’ version of our new Free Roaming Camera mode on IMVU Studio. You can see a quick demo here:
- Switch to Free Roaming mode and zoom all the way in. Then you can use WASD keys to fly forward, backward or track left or right. Left-click the mouse for direction.
- The new camera mode will also be integrated into Web and Desktop in a future release!
Zoom your workspace
Now you can zoom out and maximize your workspace, or zoom in to save your eyesight.
- Click Ctrl +/- to zoom your IMVU Studio workspace! Ctrl ‘0’ to reset.
Creator Names on Product Tiles
Creator names are now visible on product tiles in Derive Mode. You can also click on the Creator name to filter for products from that Creator.
More Improvements
- You can now easily copy your CID from the dropdown menu when clicking your profile in the upper right corner of the Home screen.
- Preview is no longer needed when moving furniture via the Skeleton Placement dropdown in the Skeleton Inspector panel.
- Derive Modal tiles now show the creator, which can be clicked for quick filtering on that creator.
- Reduced the ability to highlight text to only specific parts in Studio.
- Assets with invalid characters are no longer able to be imported.
- Updated Derive modal fullscreen button styling to be more visible.
- Removed Category Summary Count in Home mode filters, as this was just confusing and did not have the intended outcome.
- Updated Ensemble popup sections to be collapsible.
- Camera functionality has been tweaked slightly.
- Decorated Room tiles in the Inventory Panel have PID and Product Page entries in the more menu.
- Able to open chat room from Decorated Room more menu in Inventory Panel.
- Color Gradient play button now triggers preview automatically, if necessary.
Bug Fixes
- System Menu should reflect correct items based on selected tab.
- Window menu list should stay in the same spot.
- Generation rate is also reset when changing particle dropdown.
- Resolved an issue where room and furniture changes were not applied after preview.
- Resolved an issue where secondary actor was copying the CreatorAvatar outfit.
- Deco mode shortcut should be ignored if text input is in focus.
- Improved the loading time of home mode for some creators.
- Resolved styling issue on search bar in home mode.
- Overridden body parts text in Info Panel gets updated on mesh removal.
- Fixed Alt+J and Alt+K shortcuts which cycle through the different component panels.
- Resolved some styling issues with a few checkbox elements when checked.
- Resolved edges case where help menu button and preview collapse button in Derive Modal could not be clicked.
- Adding furniture scaler now enables the preview/save buttons.
Released October 30, 2024
New Features and Improvements
- Drafts can be duplicated from the product tile more menu.
- Drafts can now be renamed in Home mode.
- Added the ability to easily copy your CID in Preferences.
- Improved home mode filtering.
- Added ability to manually refresh tile list on home mode.
- Updated hamburger menu background color to easily differentiate it from the Home background.
- Modified min/max speed of camera zoom and rotation in the scene.
Bug Fixes
- 1.32.7 Point Release (November 4): Resolves an issue where thumbnail images in Home Mode were not loading correctly.
- 1.32.8 Point Release (November 18): AP+ pricing change
- Actions with colons that are triggered via the action menu should work.
- Deco mode is again enabled for room products.
- Profit fields in the Info Panel should show empty instead of showing NaN.
- Updating rating filtering to behave correctly in all use areas of Studio.
- Transparency input changes no longer update multiple tabs.
- Windows no longer has a space between File and Edit system menu items.
- Clicking slightly off of a category in Derive Modal no longer resets filter. Clicking to the left of a subcategory will still collapse the parent.
- Show Network Outage error when opening Studio offline.
- Media Screens filter actually shows media screen products.
- Reset filters if no products are shown when derive modal is closed.
- Able to submit products for various random categories.
- Error dialog displays correct message if a word in the product name is blacklisted.
- Keywords should now warn the user when they go over the maximum of 12 keywords.
Released August 28, 2024
New Features and Improvements
‘Pets’ Category
We have added a new ‘Pets’ category, complete with subcategories! Use the new Pets base product if you are creating a pet from scratch.
- If you have an existing Accessory product, you may change the category type to ‘Pets’ and choose a sub-category as well.
Released August 15, 2024
Bug Fixes
- FBXImporter update to support Catalina
- Updating hamburger menu background color to not blend into the home mode background
- Product rating search works properly on home mode
- Resolved issue when changing Transparency priority through the Inspector Panel
Released June 20, 2024
New Features and Improvements
- Product Id, Product Name and Parent Pid all have icons (if applicable) to easily copy the values to the clipboard.
- Swatches in Texture Popup have a border for easier visibility.
- Increased Shortcut modal height to reduce the amount of empty space displayed.
- Particle Type now has a tooltip.
- Furniture updates when changing placement node and list updates when changing room.
- Added currently logged in user in upper right hand corner of Studio and when clicked, opens a dropdown to sign out.
- When adding secondary actor on a furniture or room project, it should show the base avatar.
- Clicking on the PID display on a product tile now copies it to the clipboard.
- If a look fails to load, the avatar should fallback to the base avatar.
- Inventory Filter categories are now in alphabetical order.
- Added additional categories to home mode category section.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the Empty Furniture base derivable was not displaying the skeleton component.
- When editing an unpublished product or one in peer review, Allow Search should retain the correct value when it was submitted.
- Resolve intermittent issue when trying to open Decoration mode on the default light room.
- If default look is ‘Current Look’, it should reflect changes made on IMVU Web / Desktop.
- If preview scene in Derive Modal fails to update, derivation history should still update to selected item.
Released April 30, 2024 (with point releases)
New Features and Improvements
- Derive Modal can now filter by IMVU+ products.
- The text input in the “Save As” dialog now has automatic focus.
- Most dialogs now react to hitting the “Enter” and “Esc” keys (excluding dialogs included in a tutorial).
- Added a border to the color swatches for easier visibility.
- Color swatches now have a transparent background that is visible the more opaque you make the color.
Bug Fixes
- 1.30.10 (May 1, 2024) Asset Dropdowns should now function correctly again.
- Removed Alpha from the Solid Color Picker on the diffuse layer.
- Info panel category dropdown no longer has a large amount of whitespace in certain scenarios.
- When a toast is present, mouse clicks on either the left or right of the toast should register again.
- Clicking on an already selected item in the derivation history should no longer remove the product from the preview.
- Info panel category dropdown should once again have all the appropriate categories displayed.
- Light and Dark default rooms now work properly in room deco mode.
Released March 15, 2024 (with point releases)
Bug Fixes
- 1.29.6 (April 4): Resolves the issue where Particle Animation range inputs are not accepting any values other than 0
- 1.29.5 (April 2): Address the ‘Oops’ error some users have been experiencing when updating to a new release
- 1.29.3 (March 15): Fixed an issue where Gender Compatibility, Rating and Category changes were not saving or publishing to a product
Released March 13, 2024
New Features and Improvements
Reorganized Material Inspector Panel
We have revamped the material inspector panel into a much more organized navigable list. Sections are also now collapsible and the collapsed state is maintained when switching from material to material.
Other Improvements
- ‘Prevent Reflections’ has been renamed to ‘Opacity Masking’. This used to be found in the transparency sub menu, but we have moved this to the main panel.
- All min/max inputs should only validate input values after clicking away from both fields.
- Styling updates to Info Panel, Material Inspector panel and Action Ensemble Popup.
- When closing the T-shirt tutorial pop-up on load of Studio, the following information is now displayed in a toast.
- Inventory should now display recently purchased products after several seconds when changing filters.
Bug Fixes
- Updated email link mentioned in Report a Problem tab.
- Resolved an edge case where setting a Material to Alpha Test would not set Alpha Threshold properly.
Released February 1, 2024
New Features and Improvements
- Increased the size of click handler when uploading a thumbnail image.
- Product Image Generator: Updated thumbnail filters from checkbox to radio buttons to improve performance.
- Product Image Generator: Removed dark overlay when hovering over provided thumbnails.
Bug Fixes
- Profit field should once again only default to 0 during tutorials.
- App Menu is now closed when entering deco mode.
- Preview is enabled when any ensemble is changed, regardless of selected action.
- Subwidgets should now stay collapsed between components of the same type.
- The camera should now focus correctly on the furniture product when using the camera wheel center button if the furniture has been moved.
Released January 10, 2024
New Features and Improvements
Bulk Delete Draft Projects
You can now select multiple drafts at once for deletion. Select drafts for deletion from the checkbox in the lower right of each thumbnail. You can also Shift-Click a checkbox to select multiple drafts at once.
This is just the first in a long list of bulk editing utilities you have requested. We hope to release more in the near future. You can selectusing the ‘Shift’ button, similar to how the OS file systems work.
Other Improvements
- All creators should be able to see the PID option in the more menu of a product tile.
- Added new transparent property, ‘Transparency to Local Buffer’, to resolve some cases where materials were shown in front of others incorrectly.
- Particles have a new emission type, ‘Constant’
- All inspector panels now have collapsible subsections.
Bug Fixes
- Bulk selection correctly clears all selections when changing a filter.
- Particle materials no longer overwrite imported materials from FBX files.
- When receiving an error generating thumbnails, dialog buttons should now be clickable.
- If FBX does not have any materials or meshes, it should still import as expected.
- Able to apply outfits to base avatar products again.
- Resolved some use cases where HiDPI setting changes were not being applied.
- Ensemble settings ‘Stop After’ and ‘Disable gaze’ should again be retained when closing and reopening a project.
Released December 11, 2023 (Patch Fix)
Bug Fixes
- Add writable access to read only files if Studio tries to write to them
- Retry retrieving texture if it fails the first time
Released December 4, 2023
New Features and Improvements
- Added the ability to restrict avatar attachment products to a specific gender
- Material priorities can now be automatically set based on material id from the more menu in the component panel
- Remaining filters in derive modal will be hidden when searching by PID
- Searching by PID now ignores the creator filter if one is set
- Slightly updated icon of the help menu in the bottom right of Studio
- Increased the pop-up size of the SSR images to a 4×4 grid view
Bug Fixes
- Convex reflections should work as expected when changing rooms
- Resolved issue where secondary actors were not being removed from the scene
- Fee calculations should once again work with a profit of 0
- Resolved issue where HiDPI was not updated as expected
- Textures that are improperly loaded should no longer show the entire scene on them
- 2FA dialog should no longer be dismissed when accidentally clicking on the background
Released October 25, 2023
New Features and Improvements
Specify a Default Look
We have added the ability to choose which avatar Look will be loaded when you create a new draft project. In Preferences, select from 3 default settings:
- Base Avatar – product 80 or 191 (base male or female avatar)
- Current Look – the current Look you are currently wearing in IMVU Desktop
- Saved Look – a specific saved Look you have selected from Inventory. To specify a saved Look, go to your Inventory Panel in Studio and select “Save as Default” on any Look
- Also, any changes made to your look in a specific draft project will be retained when you come back to that project (just like default room backgrounds).
Transparency Priority Panel
In Studio, IMVU Desktop, Web and Mobile, transparent materials are automatically drawn furthest from the camera to closest. In Classic they are strictly ordered based on the material ID. To help give Creators more control and ensure compatibility, you can now easily specify an order to your transparent materials directly from the Material Component.
- Higher numbers will render in FRONT of lower numbers
Other Improvements
- Material preview pop-ups should now show full texture names
- Updated “Default Room” and “Default Look” labels in the preferences tab to identify how you change them
- Increased maximum Priority from 99 to 100,000
Bug Fixes
- Studio should no longer react to clicks on disabled context menu items
- AP Rating badge should now display correctly on draft products when the rating is changed
- Inactive Northstar scenes should now be paused when not in view
- Long outfit names should no longer clip into the “…” context menu
- All menu dropdowns to the right of the hamburger menu should display over any pop-ups present
- Error text should no longer display when hovering over the product name in the Info Panel
- Color Slot ID input field should now revert to the previous valid value if input field has an error and is no longer in focus
- Resolved another issue where actors were not being re-seated properly on preview after making a change to a furniture product
- Replacing furniture in the scene when multiple actors are present should no longer show avatar labels if the toggle switch is off.
Released September 26, 2023
New Features and Improvements
Scaling on Furniture and Attachment Products
We have unlocked the ability to add scaling to furniture and attachment products! This was previously only working for avatar based products.
Other Improvements
- “IMVU Plus” filter has been added to Home mode
- Updated default particle settings with proper transparency material
- Updated all layers to have the same texture options as the “Diffuse” layer
- Added the ability to remove your current outfit from your avatar when editing a product
- “Change Photo” button should now only appear on hover of thumbnail so the current images can be seen clearly
- Added “Open in Folder” button to the toolbar (right next to Deco Mode)
- Draft projects in Home mode have an additional option in the more menu to open that project in your file explorer
- Dialog that shows after a successful snapshot has an additional button to bring you to the snapshot’s location
- Any truncated file names should now display the full file name on hover
Bug Fixes
- Asset Panel should once again show file sizes
- Any tabs associated to a draft that has been deleted should now be closed
- Decoration mode shortcut keys for translate, rotate and scale are now working again
- Resolved an edge case where Optimize Previews was sharing data between tabs
- Switching compatibility from Female to Male (vice versa) should now work as expected
- Updated avatar labels to match design of Next
- File menu should now show over any pop-ups that may be in the way
- Slightly improved the logout experience to show that you are actually being logged out
- Added input validation on color picker inputs
- Resolved issue where loss in network would log creators out of Studio
Released August 23, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Materials not represented by a submesh are now written out
- File sizes for assets should once again show in the Asset Panel
- Now able to add AP products on click to room products
- Keep skeleton and particle debug lines on when switching rooms and adding actors
- Display correct error message when no results are found when searching in deco mode
- Show AP badge for AP products
- Resolved issue of Action Sync radio buttons not working when multiple tabs are open
- Inspector panel now scrolls to the newly added color slot
Released August 9, 2023
New Features and Improvements
- You can now sort materials by Material ID or Name. When first loading a project, materials will be sorted by Material ID.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue with some projects where texture were being mapped incorrectly when opening draft project
- No longer submit product if project is previewed after save as new dialog was canceled
- Resolved issue where asset was not being auto reloaded correctly after manually replacing it in project folder
- Previewing errors in the Errors and Warnings popup scrolls to the correct input in the Info Panel
- Auto apply texture to layer when adding new texture via the plus button in texture popup
- Component items now require the name field if double clicking to edit
- Attachment scalers should now work as expected
- LUT texture should update in inspector panel when auto updating asset
- Shows replacement dialog if color LUT already exists
- No longer able to drag and drop color LUT previews
- Category arrows in deco mode inventory panel should now show up
- Truncate Default Room text in preferences tab
- Looks in Inventory panel can now be filtered by gender if it includes a base avatar
- When replacing furniture, actors should now be placed in their same seats if possible
- Asset Panel no longer shows JSON files
- Allow overriding textures source from avatar
- Upgraded Northstar Engine to 2.148.0
- Various UI changes
Released July 14, 2023
New Features and Improvements
Full Screen Colorization
Change the entire color palate of your room using the same tech that professional video editors use! Using what is called a LUT (LookUp Texture) texture map that you define, you can change the entire mood of your room or derivation. Follow this step by step example to create your own LUT for your room!
You can find this feature in the Environment component of IMVU Studio. Use this panel to upload and test out your new LUT.
- Press “+” to add a color gradient slot. The new slot will contain the “identity” LUT. Keep this one as it is if you want to go back to a normal color space.
- Within the second slot, press “+” to upload your newly created LUT. Don’t forget to press PREVIEW
- Now you can press the play button on either slot to go back and forth between the two color spaces!
How To Make A Custom LUT
First, download the IMVU identity LUT from the download icon at the top right of the “COLOR GRADING” section:
Let’s say I want to have a night time looking scene. As a Creator, I would:
- Take a snapshot of my current scene to use as a reference. Make sure it contains a good representation of all the possible colors in the room:
- Make color adjustments to this reference using your favorite image editing software until it looks the way you want:
- Now, apply the same settings you made to your snapshot to the identity LUT and SAVE it as a new file. It MUST be a png
- Upload the new LUT into IMVU Studio and your room will take on those color values!
Trigger Colorization with Actions!
You can also create an action that will trigger the activation of a LUT! Go into the action panel, create a new ensemble, and you will notice there is a new color grading section. Select a slot and the time in frames you want the transition to take place!
Other Improvements
- Updated ensemble loop labels
- Error tooltips now disappear after 2 seconds
- Replaced room dropdown on preferences page with read only section
Bug Fixes
- Texture maps on some imported projects now retain transparency settings
- Reduced spacing in Info Panel and Ensemble Popup
- Automatically sign out creator when invalid authentication error occurs (unsaved drafts are able to be saved beforehand)
- Home mode should remove newly deleted draft again
- Default Room in preferences should display default light and dark rooms correctly
- Fix incorrect swatch after adding solid color material
- Now able to copy PID to clipboard when click on the PID in the more menu item on a product tile
- Inventory Panel should still show rooms if one or more errors out
- Changing the name of a particle now updates it in the ensemble
- Tutorial manager should reset all derive modal filters
- Updated ensemble loop labels
- Error tooltips now disappear after 2 seconds
- Furniture and Rooms no longer show on gender filtering in Home mode
- Updated Default Room tooltip in preferences page
- Update text area styling to match design
- Upgraded N* to v2.145.0
- FAN names for furniture on FBXImport should now be consistent
- Replaced room dropdown on preferences page with read only section
Released June 13, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Selected category in derive modal is highlighted again
- Converted to Metropolis font styling
- Retain Product Image Generator parameters when submitting product as new
- Home mode no longer unnecessarily re-renders all tiles when deleting a draft
- Submit button should no longer be disabled after saving project
- Products from disabled creators should no longer be searchable in Derive Modal
- Incorporated gender restriction changes
- Workspace Panel layout selection should be retained even after closing Studio
- Studio now asks to save all unsaved projects before signing out
- Resolving mesh and material checkbox issues on FBX Importer
- Resolved edge case where materials were not mapped correctly
- Changing material opacity map should no longer change transparency mode
- Particle Evolution scollbar no longer overlapps with more menu icons
- Input error tooltips now disappear after 2 seconds
Released May 4, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Resolved “grey screen” hang when IMVU Studio first starts up
- Changing material opacity map should no longer change transparency mode.
- Resolved Multiple errors in T-Shirt tutorial
- Info Panel Controls respect project data
- Resolved scaler issues for attachment and misc products
- Color Grading is now displayed in ensemble list (for Color Grading feature currently released to Alpha Testers)
- No longer able to leave ensemble range values empty
- Resolved issue of all base products showing in all categories in Inventory
- Font style changes
- Resolved issue where draft would be in a bad state if failed to follow the “Submit as New” flow
- Properly prompts users to save projects before signing out
FBX Import Fixes
- FBX top level checkbox for meshes should now display properly
- Meshes and Materials are not unchecked in FBX Import process
- FBX Import: Top checkbox does not deselect all materials
- Studio now respects imported Ambient Light from FBX
- XPF assets from FBX import are now visible in Asset Panel and in Action Ensemble
Released March 22, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Now displaying the app version in the main window title
- Fresnel Reflection correctly now matches slider value on first preview
- Correctly handling textures that have the same name across multiple open projects
- Textures should properly show dimensions in the material settings
- Resolved issue of Studio freezing after trying to click edit product multiple times in Home mode
- Transparency Override field respects undo/redo actions
- Now enforcing minimum particle generation rate
- Skin materials should display the correct texture
- Resolved missing texture swatch on save and reload of project
Released March 1, 2023
New Features and Improvements
Room Deco 2.0 features in Studio
We just exposed an update to Room Decoration that we’d like you to try out. Basically, all the functionality of Room Deco 2.0 currently in IMVU Desktop is now migrated over to Studio! Also, furniture placement changes you make to a room while you’re in Studio can now be saved to the room permanently if you manually choose to do so.
There are a few differences in behavior between Room Deco on Studio and Room Deco on Desktop:
- Room Deco on IMVU Desktop updates the live room state with every change you make.
- In Studio, if you load a room from your inventory and decorate it with furniture, it will save the state locally to your draft project, but WILL NOT alter the live room state. Instead, we’ve added two buttons that allow you to manually update the live room state if you wish:
UPLOAD STATE: Furniture changes to the room will be uploaded to the server and saved with your live room
RESET STATE: Furniture changes to the room will be removed, and the room will be reset to the current live room state.
Keep in mind that if the product you are editing is a room shell, you will not see these options since the room is not a published chat room yet.
If you haven’t checked out Room Deco 2.0 on Desktop, here’s a help page to get you started.
Bug Fixes
We just have a few bug fixes on this release
- Resolved issues when loading material transparency and it gets reset to ‘none’.
- Anti-aliasing rendering setting no longer crashes open projects.
- Resolved issue not being able to submit the Report Problem form.
- Now able to undo/redo convex reflections.
- Various bug fixes.
Released January 30, 2023
Bug Fixes
No new features on this run, but we’ve fixed some critical issues you’ve been waiting for:
- Screenshots are properly centered again when adjusting HiDPI settings.
- Material Texture Popup should now display correctly for all products.
- Chosen SSR generated images are now being saved for rooms and furniture.
- NEXT images should now update correctly when Optimize Previews is turned on.
- Submit button in Report Problem tab should work as expected.
- Deco Mode toolbar buttons should no longer overlap selected furniture info.
- Upgraded Northstar to 2.138.2.
- Removed “Whats New” link from the help menu.
- Correctly shows admin dialog when deriving an “admin-only” PID.
- Undo/Redo of LocalAmbient now works as expected.
- No longer triggering camera control event when CTRL+META+S is pressed.
- Workspace Panel Layout shortcut keys updated.
- Highlight ensembles that do not have skeletal effect.
- Resolved issue of missing trigger actions.
- Various Tutorial System changes.
- Various styling fixes.
Released December 15, 2022
New Features and Improvements
Movable Workspace Panels
The main panels on the right and left sides of your workspace can now be moved all to the right or all to the left! You can access the views from the little icon at the top right, or from the View -> Workspace dropdown menu.
Also, you can use the quick keys to toggle the panels to any location instantly!
For Mac:
- Command+Option+”[” Left side panels
- Command + Option + “]” Right side panels
- Command + Option + “\” Default
For Windows:
- Command+Alt+”[” Left side panels
- Command + Alt + “]” Right side panels
- Command + Alt + “\” Default
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue where unsaved dialog was not appearing when closing an unsaved project.
- Ensure width and height are retained when populating Next Shop image.
- Resolved issue when undoing/redoing Info Panel information.
- Resolved issue where Studio would hang after updating particle evolution opacity.
- Derive Modal now shows products made by an active non-creator account.
- Resolved issue when submit as new consecutively.
- Windows Only issue: Tutorial Thumbnail now shows as expected.
- Resolved issue playing furniture actions after Northstar Upgrade.
- Resolved issue when choosing room shell as default room.
- Improved user experience when editing submitted products on home mode.
- Resolved issue when creator closes tab mid-preview.
- Various Bug Fixes.
Released November 21, 2022
New Features and Improvements
- Solid color textures now generated as 512 x 512.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved camera positioning in Tshirt tutorial.
- Remove Furniture from inventory panel if creator is using Room Deco 2.0.
- Able to open external links in the menus again.
- Updated particle schema.
- Updated Creator News link on Home Mode.
- Able to delete draft projects on Windows.
- Changing material asset does not change name.
- Added ability to support multiple tutorials in the future
Released October 25, 2022
New Features & Improvements
Highlight Ensembles
We’ve added a quick little feature in the Action component that we hope will be useful. Now, when you play an action, the ensemble within the action that is currently playing will be highlighted in real time. This should help when you have long ensembles that blend together, and you want to know when it switches from one to the next.
Bug Fixes
- Update NEXT shop image thumbnail when submitting product.
- Resolved a long standing memory issue with WebGL.
- Play and highlight ensembles in order after rearranging.
- Reseat avatars to rooms if not enough seats after replacing furniture.
- Resolve issue auto updating assets when texture editor is open for a specific layer.
- Allow skeleton placement changes for project furniture.
- Resolved issues with toggling full screen on the scene previewer in derive mode.
- Convex reflections will only be accessible if shininess map is assigned.
Released September 26, 2022
Bug Fixes
Resolved display order of Action Ensembles
The ordering of action ensembles in IMVU Studio is slightly different than what you will see in the Classic Create Mode. In Studio, ensembles will play back as they are ordered from top to bottom.
If you open the same product in Classic, you will still see the ensembles ordered bottom to top, as playback is defined in that direction on Classic.
In either case, playback will occur as expected on each platform.
Other bug fixes
- Resolved issue of Action Ensembles not highlighting correctly.
- Optimize Previews: Resolved various issues when opening existing draft.
- Creator Filter is now retained after closing and reopening Inventory Filter popup.
- Correctly highlight materials on different render scale.
- No longer able to rename ancestor particles.
- Generation rate for particles have been updated.
- Fresnel Reflection default is now set to 50.
- Now rebuilding the scene in background when changing the antialiasing on HiDPI.
- Update the description of HiDPI scales to match the website.
- Fix snapshot issue with different HiDPI settings.
- Resolved issue of Mac Undo/Redo shortcut keys not working properly.
- Action now plays when clicking the play button after a change.
1.11.3 – Post Release
Released September 20, 2022
New Features UNLOCKED!
Local Ambient Lighting for Avatars
For room products, avatars in a room can now be lit based on the colors in room in real time! This allows for avatars to feel they are more “inside” the room, instead of composited against it.
How do I apply local ambient lighting to my room?
For room products, simply go to the environment component, and turn on “Local Ambient”. That’s it! Avatars will now receive their ambient light based on the colors in the room.
For any new room product, this setting will be on by default. We highly recommend only turning it off for special use cases.
For all existing room products, this setting will be off by default. We encourage you to modify your published products and turn it on. It’s a fantastic effect makes makes all avatars look like they are rendered more naturally in the room.
Convex Reflections
Simulate a mirror-like reflection in your clothing products!
How do I apply convex reflections?
- Choose the material you would like to apply it to
- A shininess map is required. Make sure you have one applied.
- Toggle convex reflections “ON”. You can also adjust the intensity of the map with the slider.
- NOTE: you won’t see effect if you are in our default white or grey rooms. Load a room with lots of stuff in it so it will be reflected. 😉
Convex Reflections will only be available for avatar based products. (Sorry, no rooms or furniture products yet as the map gets updated depending on where the avatar is standing).
We call it “convex” reflections, because it works best on curved surfaces. Flat surfaces will also work, but it looks much less realistic due to the low resolution map that is created. If you’re trying to create a flat mirror, you might get undesired results.
How do convex reflections work?
A cube map is dynamically generated and added to the material, based on the location of the avatar looking outward. It will give the effect of the environment being reflected in the material. Our Engine team has designed it in a way that has an unnoticeable impact on user loading time or framerate.
HiDPI Rendering
Released on both IMVU Studio and IMVU Desktop, you now have control over pixel density and anti-aliasing settings to tune the quality and framerate on your particular computer. The highest settings can achieve very sharp rendering that rivals our high rez screenshots.
How do I adjust my rendering settings?
In IMVU Studio, go to your preferences and you will see three new settings:
- Render Scale: Choose between four HiDPI resolutions
- Anti-aliasing: Toggle FXAA anti-aliasing
- Canvas Smoothing: Toggle smoothing of scaled images and texture maps within the scene
Released September 6, 2022
New Features & Improvements
- Added ability to revert material layer back to ancestor layer
- Switching categories in inventory panel now closes decoration mode
- Long product names are now truncated when displaying them
Bug Fixes
- Dropdowns in Preferences tab are now positioned properly
- Resetting a particle resets the advanced settings as well
- Profit now reliably loads in Info Panel
- Optimize Previews – No longer writing data.zip to project folder
- Now able to handle empty ancestor layer case in texture assignment and solid color creation
- Generation Rate for particles now works as expected
- Optimize Previews – Furniture should no longer disappear
- The camera focus on furniture should reset the zoom scale
Released August 9, 2022
New Features & Improvements
Filter Inventory by Creator
A highly requested feature has been to filter your inventory by Creator. In this version we’ve added that ability. It is available in the FILTERS popout from the INVENTORY panel.
Bug Fixes
- Updated the text ‘Composite Blend’ to ‘Composition’ in Skeletal animation section of ensembles
- Resolved issue where error popup had no message and buttons had incorrect styling
- Enabled the shortcut CRTL+A for selectAll
- Refactored secondary actors to be more streamlined
- No longer able to trigger camera control event when use the shortcut key for save and save as
- Updated compatibility to be a dropdown
- Correctly set background color of scene
- Optimize Previews: Furniture should no longer disappear in some cases after making changes
- Correctly close decoration mode when switching from the ‘Furniture’ category
- No longer able to see derive modal when making preview scene fullscreen for rooms
- Fixed the camera control speed and the stuck shortcut key
- Resolved camera speed in specific camera control scenarios
- Resolved issue where camera was locked in the T-Shirt tutorial
- The camera control shortcut key should no longer control the scene which is not visible
Released July 21, 2022
New Features & Improvements
Improved Manual Camera Controls
- We’ve updated the camera control widget in Studio to allow free direction move while mouse down and moving on the wheel.
- Added toggle switch to the view menu and visual aids tool.
- Added shadow effect to the wheel.
Other Improvements
- Added ability to duplicate particles.
- Updated Combine Textures design.
- Improved the presentation and selection of materials in the materials list when importing FBX files.
- Improved the camera position when starting T-shirt tutorial.
- Removed more menu from Ambient Light widget in Environment Inspector Panel.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with materials showing up grey.
- Studio now automatically removes white spaces from trigger names.
- Combine Texture locked aspect ratio now functioning correctly.
- Fixed the minimum offset for Texture Animations.
- Resolved errors and loading speed when opening preferences.
- Fixed issue with progress bar when loading Shop image previews
- Fixed the drift issue when panning with the manual camera controls.
- Save and Save As shortcut keys no longer trigger camera movements.
- Resolved issue of not being able to make room global default from inventory.
- Fixed issue with Save As when there is a forward or back-slash in the name.
- Fixed undo/redo shortcut keys on Windows when switching between projects.
- Fixed issue previewing project when reverting Materials.
Released July 11, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue with ancestor materials showing up grey
Released June 27, 2022
New Features & Improvements
- Improved user experience when no project thumbnails are available
- Updated Looks to show Outfit name
- Added camera controls to shortcut list
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when showing thumbnails for projects based on subcategories
- Now showing placeholder image in derivation history on error
- Tweaked the camera speed control ranges
- Improved combine texture controls
- Updated camera speed settings to be persistent
- Minimum allowable emission multiplier value updated to 0.01
- Make the camera panning much smoother
- Color in Solid color texture popup initialized to red
- Implemented default animation in animations info
- Updated product tile category to be more specific
- Updated product category and placeholder images
- No longer opens a duplicate tab when editing the same product
- Camera stays static when typing in an input field
- Undo/Redo should now work when renaming assets and updating the blend mode dropdown
- Undo history is now added when submitting Studio Logs
- Empty classic action types are now written to the index
- Resolved issue not being able to make room global default from inventory
- Updated SaveAs to create correct project folder
- Removed entries that are not part of particle definition
- Fixed undo/redo shortcut keys on Windows
Released June 7, 2022
New Features & Improvements
Manual Camera Controls
We’ve introduced a camera control widget into the Studio interface. Using the interface or keyboard commands you can simulate any of the mouse-based camera movements. Produce smooth camera rotation, panning and zooming when video capturing or just use it as an alternative control.
- Click on the interface buttons to orbit the camera around the avatar
- Right-click to pan the camera
- Click the center button to reset the camera to your avatar
All the controls are also duplicated in keyboard commands.
Adjust the speed of all movements from the preferences panel! You can also toggle the widget on and off from here.
Texture Editor
For small changes or additions to your material textures, you can now use our built-in texture editor. We’ve introduced three basic functions:
- Solid Color Texture – Generate a quick texture map as a solid color or greyscale
- Combine Textures – Perform simple compositing with a background and foreground layer
- Color Filter – Adjust the hue, saturation and vibrance of a texture map
Access all these features from the texture dropdown menu, or from within the texture popup.
Bug Fixes
- Studio now opens a new tab each time editing a submitted product
- Resolved issue of not being able to override ancestor action type
- Resolved issue of Action Type not persisting
- No longer able to edit or derive Sticker products
- Preferences tab no longer counts towards maximum tab count
- Tooltips should now be cleared when opening the Derive modal or a separate tab
- Material layer now updates after an asset is renamed in the Asset Panel
- Invalid particle values should revert to their defaults
- Updated placeholder product images when product image fails to load
- Unchecked meshes in FBX no longer prevent importing it
- Implement default animation for ensembles
- Fixed issue playing actions for furniture products
- Tutorial now handles when creators try to add a thumbnail over 1MB.
- Products with non-sequential ensembles can be opened.
- Tutorial: Cancelling of file dialog now goes back to the last step.
- Various bug fixes
Released May 17, 2022
New Features & Improvements
- In the Action Component, we’ve added backwards compatible action type dropdown in Action Inspector panel.
Bug Fixes
Info Panel
- For Custom Product Images, resolve issue where the products category was preventing product submission
- Updated guidelines and styling of the Search Keywords input in the Info Panel
- Resolved issue where inventory list would scroll to the top when adding Room
- Remove duplicate search and close icons in Inventory Panel search
Action Component
- Changing ensemble settings will update the correct Ensemble Popup
- Prevent the addition of non-ascii characters to an action trigger
- Fixed particle attachement nodes on attachments and rooms
Material Component
- No longer show the unassign asset option from the “more menu” for diffuse texture
- Changed ‘Reflectivity’ to ‘Fresnel Reflection’ in Transparency settings
- Retain the double sided setting upon reload
Loading & Saving
- Added a dialog confirmation when editing a published product
- Added user friendly error message when trying to edit furniture products in a room with no furniture nodes
- Fixed issue showing “Save As New” dialog when the product is already saved
User Interface
- Create a visual indication of on/off state in Application Menu items
- Change styles and selecting behavior for ComboBox
- No longer showing dialog alert if canceling renaming an asset
- Improve the T-Shirt tutorial styles
- Do not enable preview on avatar seat change
- Now able to switch between avatars of the same gender
- Fixed issue that occurred when playing tutorial and the user has changed the saved categories
- Improve filters for home mode sections (Submitted, Peer Review, Published)
- Various other performance and stability improvements
Released April 20, 2022
New Features & Improvements
- Added more Custom Product Image selections…and adding more every week!
- Preserve the Derive Modal filter values between user sessions.
- Show mesh id for materials on select product types.
- Allow the ability to cancel the submit or preview process.
Bug Fixes
- Submitted products section in home mode should show ones not in Peer Review.
- Submitting as new no longer creates duplicate tile in home mode.
- Classic Shop thumbnail persists when the Category is changed.
- Improvements around Mesh Ids for FBX import.
- Particle indices increment starting at 1000.
- Fix issue where adding particle hangs Studio.
- Fix issue when secondary actors gender is changed after a preview.
- Preview button no longer enabled when toggling the special option buttons.
- Error message on Invalid Product name improved.
- Fix issue when playing tutorial and the user has changed the saved categories.
- Resolve current issues with “Circular JSON” error.
- Improve filters for home mode Submitted and Peer Review sections.
- Various bug fixes.
Released March 30, 2022
New Features & Improvements
Product Image Generator
- Added ability to select a product image from an array of generated image selections for the Desktop and Mobile catalog.
- Brand new poses and camera angles…and more will be added every month!
- New Light and Dark colored mannequins
- Lighting on product images matches more closely to the default Studio and Shop rooms
- Special Accessories camera angles for each part of the body
- You can still add custom images/gifs for the Classic shop
Our Studio development team is just scratching the surface on this new feature! We now have the ability to add poses and camera angle selections quickly in between releases. We welcome feedback! If there’s a product you’ve created that you don’t see a good camera angle or pose for. We can make new ones and add them to the selection list!
NOTE: New Product Image camera angles for Furniture and Rooms are still legacy camera only. New camera angles coming soon!
Emission (Glow!)
This will allow your materials to emit light or “glow” dynamically! Intensity is based on a new emission texture slot and it must be present to enable. Just like the shininess map, it must be a greyscale map where white=more, black=less.
You will need to enable Emission with the toggle at the bottom of the material inspector. Also notice a multiplier slider to help fine tune the amount of glow. Not yet implemented for particles.
This will create differential refraction on the material dynamically. It’s great for simulating shiny metal surfaces, soap bubbles, butterfly wings, etc. Intensity is based on the shininess map and must be present to enable it.
You will need to enable ‘Iridescence’ with the toggle at the bottom of the material inspector. Also notice a multiplier slider to help fine tune the amount of iridescence. Not yet implemented for particles.
Other Improvements
- Added Ancestor Assets to asset dropdowns in inspector panels.
- Font size in Report a Problem inputs made larger.
- Changed the default material color for particles
- Various Preview performance improvements
- Removed timeout when previewing and publishing products.
Bug Fixes
- Retry saving if encountering an EPERM issue. ****
- New project actions show up in the action menu triggers section.
- Fixed issue where preview window would be a gray screen.
- Fixed undo issues around overridden body parts.
- Profit field data from the published product is now used instead of from the saved draft.
- Register ‘undo’ history entry in the color selector only on mouse-up event.
- Register ‘undo’ history entry on sliders only on mouse-up event.
- Resolved particle name issue and limit to 99
- Provided input title definitions for all name inputs in various component inspectors.
- Fixed issue where Male Eyebrows were not displaying materials.
- Pinned Creator Widget section and search box in the Home Mode.
- Fixed modal overlay background.
- Use default values for ensemble if EnsembleDefinition is empty.
- Various fixes for secondary actors.
- Various bug fixes.
Released February 11, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fix critical issue when multiple tabs are closed.
- Resolving “no_fan” error message.
- Resolved issue where “Preview”, “Save” and “Submit” buttons were disappearing.
- Close the unpinned popups after new component is added.
- Close popups when switching panels or on various component item actions.
- Fix issue adding actors by multiple user clicks.
FBX Import
- Improve performance of importing an FBX with many materials.
- Attachment products now have selectable mesh IDs.
- Now automatically assigns attachment node in skeleton component based on boneName.
- Improved dropdown UI.
- Ability to overwrite meshes.
- Resolved issue when trying to save snapshots.
- Improve tracking progress when previewing or submitting a product.
- Added additional logs to assist in debugging
- Increased preview and submission timeouts to 60 seconds (up from 30). In our next release, we will remove the timeout completely and let the user cancel or retry a preview at will.
- Improve performance when replacing furniture during preview.
- Update the particle effect after preview.
- Added a loading indicator on opening a project.
- Added Avatar images section in texture picker popup.
- Furniture now abides by the action sync parameters set in the project.
- Move the ID information from the submesh list to the materials component list.
- Undo change on material asset should undo the layers correctly.
- Material set asset to none should update the name and layers correctly.
- Fix material issue mixing transparency modes.
- Unassigning the diffuse texture map from a material set to Additive in Studio results in the material rendering transparent.
- Resolve issue when hitting the back button on a mouse.
- Show an error alert if thumbnail is oversized.
- Show warning when a thumbnail gif file is resized.
- Color picker – Register single undo entry when dragging the RangeSlider
- Color picker – Fix issue where saturation cursor is in the incorrect position.
- Learn more link in WebGL context error dialog opens correctly.
- Added a loading indicator on opening a project.
- Added an asterik(*) to unsaved tabs.
- Color picker – General improvements.
- UI Mode added to Help menu located in lower right hand corner.
- Add timeout to tutorial steps.
- Resolved issues with dynamic bone list.
- Resolved issue where image preview was not showing when hovering over material thumbnail.
- Bug Report form should be cleaned up after submission.
- Keep loop value in Ensemble when switching repeat value to infinite.
- Improve project directory loading.
Released December 13, 2021
New Improvements and Features
- New “Make a T-Shirt” tutorial has been added, making it easier for new creators to get familiar with IMVU Studio. More tutorials will be coming in future releases!
- The bone lists for scalers and particles are now dynamic based on the product’s skeleton. Example: now you can attach a particle system to the tip of your dragon’s tail bone!
- Added a toggle in the view menu to hide avatar labels. Go to the “View” dropdown (the eyeball icon), and toggle “Avatar Labels”.
- Auto resize the Classic shop thumbnail if it is not 100 x 80. NOTE: If you use an animated gif, you will still need to resize it to exactly 100 x 80 to retain the animation
- Add title and breadcrumb to color pickers.
- Enable advanced dialog for additive blend mode.
- Switch the inventory panel to outfits when a new secondary actor is created.
Bug Fixes
- Pop up panel positions are now retained for each open project tab.
- Added tracking data to help troubleshoot permissions and network issues.
- Fix the tab switch shortcut.
Derive modal now not displaying hidden product admin edit dialog forproducts owned by current user.
- In the texture animation section, frames/cel should now properly default to ‘1’.
- Import button now being disabled during fbx export.
- Enabled emojis in SaveAs modal
- FBX Importer improvements.
- Various Bug Fixes and stability improvements.
1.1.7 hotfix
Released November 9, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Allow emojis and other unicode characters in project name.
- For FBX Import, fixed several issues:
- Mesh list validation now only being performed for clothing and avatar products.
- Mesh ID validation now only being applied to active mesh inputs.
- Fixed issue submitting a product after a Save As.
- Resolved issue of failing to open a published products on Windows.
Released November 2, 2021
New Improvements and Features
- Drafts are now created under account specific folders. If you log in under a different account, you will only see the drafts you have created under that account.
- Also, any snapshots you take will now be saved INSIDE your user specific folder. For example: …/Documents/IMVU Studio Projects/12123434/snapshots/, where “12123434” is your account ID.
- Enable advanced menu with additive blend mode.
- Preferences are now user specific, not global.
- Drafts are now created under user specific folders.
- Submission modal now displaying dev token and updated pricing information.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue with incorrectly setting Environment Ambient Lighting after importing a room
- Resolved a transparency compatibility issue with the Classic Client where the transparency mode was set to a bad value.
- Fixed issue of duplicate drafts being created when resubmitting published product.
- Imported FBX files that have a skeleton with an ambient color will no longer be overwritten by environment ambient lighting.
- Update the creator education center url.
- Make tooltips clear faster.
- Show correct status in peer review section.
- Context menus should adjust position and be fully visible if it overflows the bottom of the window.
- Update dialog displayed when logging in as non-creator with new VIP messaging
- Adding furniture filter on inventory no longer enters decoration mode.
- Various Undo/Redo improvements and bug fixes.
- Various bug fixes.
Released October 4, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Ensure polygon count is under max when importing FBX
- Performance increase for FBX import on Windows
- Fixed Save instability. Saving a project is now independent of a successful preview.
- Allow user to try preview again after a network failure.
- Removed duplicate meshes when the ancestor mesh is overridden by a project mesh.
- Increased CFL size for smaller products that are close to the 2mb limit.
- Removed duplicate materials issue
- Fix issue with material assignment
- Fixed issue where texture changes would not be saved upon project save.
- Handle the case where empty derivables are not visible.
- Added additional log data around publishing products.
- Preview button is still enabled if preview fails.
- Fix the duplicate tabs on opening draft after product submission.
- Show the correct category list in Inventory Panel if gender is null.
- Update actions when switching actors.
- Add the antivirus field to report error form.
- Fixed keyboard shortcut misassignments.
- Various improvements to Undo/Redo functionality.
- Various improvements around hidden parent products.
- Fix issue when updating info panel before save
- Prevent spamming of opening tab on edit.
- Gracefully handling closing of tab before project finishes loading.
- Various bug fixes
0.37.2 patch
- Fixed an issue when setting transparency on a material to Composite Blending, it would behave correctly in Studio/Desktop/Mobile, but would look like it was set to Alpha Test in Classic Client.
- Long Story: There is a bug in Classic Client where it does not obey the parameter “UseAlphaThreshold” if it is set to ‘0’. If that parameter exists in Classic, it will use Alpha Test whether it is set to 0 or 1. If you encounter this issue and you are editing in Classic, an alternative solution is to DELETE this parameter in Debug and the material will behave as expected.
- Fixed Camera resetting after a preview
Released September 2, 2021
New Improvements and Features
‘Secondary Actors’ is here!
Now you can place multiple avatars around the scene, dress them up with your inventory items and perform actions with them along side your primary avatar.
To add an actor to your scene:
- Click on the Actor component
- Click the “+” button to add an actor to an empty seat in the room.
- The “active” actor will be highlighted in the actors list on the left side of your screen. The actor’s name will also be highlighted in yellow over their head.
- You can switch between actors by clicking on the list, or directly clicking on the avatar in the 3d window.
- If you lose an actor in a large room, you can use the “Center on Screen” function from the actor’s menu.
A few notes:
- Any secondary actors placed in a project will not be saved with your draft project. Like furniture decoration, this feature is for reference only.
- Currently, if you change your room shell, you will lose all the actors that have been placed in the scene. We will probably make an improvement to this in the near future that would allow actors to repopulate after a room change.
New Sort Options in Derive Mode
In Derive Mode, you can now search by latest/oldest products, or by price highest/lowest. If you want to check out the latest products your favorite Creator has to offer, simply choose to sort by “Latest” and by “Creator”.
New Particle System Parameters
- Attach a particle system to any bone, even custom bones!. We’re testing this out, so let us know how this is working, especially with custom bone names on non-avatar products.
- Also added Tooltips for the particle inspector UI.
Additional Improvements
- When importing .xrf files, the material names will now be based on asset names
- When importing CHKN files, the material names will now be based on asset names
- Tooltips for furniture decoration mode
- Your project will now auto-preview if you make an inventory change
- Previewing textures in .tga format is now supported
- The derivation tree now auto-scrolls to the bottom of the list, showing the product you’ve selected.
- New Errors and Warnings popup. This is the first phase of this feature meant to help Creators catch errors and create optimized, compatible products. The current warnings implemented are only for missing submission information, but we will be adding more to this feature in the coming months.
- Added current build of Studio and Northstar in About menu
- Added an empty bone option in the skeleton selector
Bug Fixes
- Particles can now be triggered “OFF” properly in the ensemble parameters of an Action
- Fixed transparency incompatibility between Studio and Classic. When composite blending was set in Studio, Classic was sometimes not interpreting it correctly and displaying it as if Composite was off.
- Fixed various instances where chkn files could not be loaded
- Fixed appearance of duplicate button bars in some situations
- Fixed duplicate color pickers appearing in Environment component
- Make VisualColorPicker respond to undo/redo
- Added ‘?’ help shortcut to derive modal
- Products assigned to ‘Pets’ and some other obscure categories were preventing some published products from loading.
- Fixed an issue where a project would save twice when publishing as new
- Cleaned up various search issues in Home and Derive modes.
- Fixed an issue where a submesh material was being overrode when material is not loaded locally
- Make thumbnails on materials show even if tooltips are turned off.
- Fix picker and slider inputs for AmbientLight and Fog color pickers.
- Add validition for newly uploaded textures
- Various smaller bug fixes
Released July 28, 2021
New Improvements and Features
Actions can trigger particles!
In the Action Ensemble settings, you will see a new section for Particle, below Skeletal and Morph animations. In this section you can select an existing particle system and set it to trigger along with the rest of the ensemble. There are four emission settings:
- On Timed – The particle system will emit for the selected duration and then stop
- On Forever – The particle system will emit until another action turns it off
- Off Timed – If the particle system is on, it will stop for the selected duration and then turn back on
- Off Forever – The particle system will stop until another action turns it on
NOTE: Triggering particles “OFF” are not yet working quite as we intended. We’ll be releasing a patch soon to fix this issue.
Home Screen Creator Feed
Phase 1 of your home screen has been completed! We have added 5 new sections:
- Creator Account – Easily reference the account you are logged in as
- Creator Purse – Reference the current value of all your credits and tokens – Credits, Predits, VCOIN, and Dev Tokens
- Creator Status – Your current creator tier level and earned shields will be displayed here
- Convenient Links – We’ve gathered your most frequently used links for easy reference.
- IMVU Studio News – Up to the minute news and happenings specific to IMVU Studio!
Snapshot Tool now has convenient hiresnobg selection
This feature will render a snapshot of ONLY the product you are editing (without any reference products) and save it as a png image with alpha channel.
Keyboard Shortcuts
We are very excited to introduce keyboard shortcuts to IMVU Studio. Moving around Studio is quicker than ever! Press ‘ctrl + /’ to bring up the shortcuts guide.(‘ctrl + command + /’ on Mac)
Other Improvements
- Added Tooltips to the Particle Inspector panel
- Added ‘ParticleToPoint’ as new option on direction for Particles.
- Show Particle effect name in ensemble even when turned off.
- Preview performance improvements
- Mesh custom Body part ID upper limit is now ‘999’
- Clarify that Decorate Mode (or furniture mode) is a ‘for reference only’ feature
Bug Fixes
- Remove duplicated materials when submeshes reference the same material.
- Poses and Actions were not working in Client (T pose) when created in Studio – This is mostly fixed for products created moving forward.
- ‘EPERM: Operation not Permitted’ error when saving or uploading files – This should now be mostly fixed. We recommend checking your virus and malware software settings to make sure IMVU Studio has permission to write to the …Documents/IMVU Studio Projects/ folder.
- If “profit” is missing, we now include it in the “Errors and Warning” panel
- Project names were automatically getting capitalized
- Home screen product search is now case insensitive
- In Home mode, when searching for a PID, results were showing up in all categories
- Change tooltip text for Total Fees in the info panel
- Center text for “Submit as New” button on “Submit to Shop” modal
- Action Assets are now show correct usage in Assets Panel
- Corrected validation on keywords that are too long
- Various Bug Fixes
New Improvements and Features
Particle System 2.0 is here! – Add a particle system to your products with a robust user interface.
- Particles behave in world space (particles can trail behind moving items)
- Animate color, transparency, rotation and size over time
- Randomness generator
- Sink planes
- Triggering particle systems through Actions is not yet implemented, but we’re hoping to have that out in our next release!
- Attaching particles to furniture and accessories is coming soon!
- Particle systems created in IMVU Studio will only be viewable on IMVU Desktop and Mobile. They are not compatible with Classic
- If you derive from a published product with particles, you will not be able to see the particle properties. You will only be able to turn it on or off. This is in an effort to protect the hard work and creativity of other Creators’ particle systems.
Mesh Scaling is here! – You can now add scaling to your products through a new convenient user interface.
Profit field is now set to ’empty’ by default (instead of ’35’ credits). – This was an insightful request by a few Creators in our community so that newbie Creators don’t accidentally set their profit too low. Thanks for looking out for our new Creators!
We again allow special characters in your project name! – Thank you to the community for commenting how important that was!
Decoupled Product name from Project Folder name – Your project folder name will now default to “derived[PID#]” You can rename your product in the INFO panel to anything you wish, but the name of the folder your project is stored in will remain the same. This will solve a number issues users were having saving snapshots and sometimes saving projects.
- It is important that you do not change the name of your project folders that are inside “…Documents/IMVU Studio Projects/[project folder]”.
- The name of the project folder associated with your project is always displayed in the INFO panel:
New Bug reporting mode – We wanted to make it easier for you to send us bugs when you encounter them. This new mode will allow you to send screenshots and files to help us track down issues faster.
Draft projects are not automatically saved if you close it without saving the first time. – No more cleaning up a bunch of unwanted drafts on your home screen.
Minor Preview Performance improvements
Search your own products by PID (in Home Mode)
Copying a PID into PID Search will allow leading/trailing spaces
Bug Fixes
- Remove/revert should not do anything on particle v1 component.
- Changing to a different room through inventory panel should now update the triggers.
- Refresh search after a manual deletion.
- Fix various material mapping bugs when expected data is missing.
- Changing filter should scroll the product list to top and the filter panel should always be visible in the window.
- Fix assets from published products incorrectly allowing open-in-folder.
- Fix FBX import from a folder with special characters.
- Various bug fixes
Released May 24, 2021
New Improvements and Features
- Relaxed product size limitations for larger products! All products used to be limited to a 2mb (compressed) size. Now that products can have more texture maps per material (normal and shiny maps), we’ve upped the limit to give you more room to make incredible higher resolution products. The new limits are:
- For Rooms: 6mb.
- For Tops / Bottoms/Heads/Skins/Avatars/Furniture: 3mb
- For Shoes/Hair/Eyes/Eyebrows/Accessories/Poses & Actions: Remains at 2mb
- New product size meter so you know if you are going over the maximum project size
- Faster Previewing! We have many new improvements meant to decrease the time it takes to perform a preview, while maintaining increased security of your products.
- In Derive Mode, a special tag is now displayed on products that you have created. This also gives you assurance that you may derive from it even if the product is hidden or display-only.
Bug Fixes
- Lowered the hi rez snapshot image resolution to 2048*2048. We are hoping that this solves saving issues some Creators with older computers were having.
- Morph Amplitude should default to 1
- Prevent Windows reserved chars when naming product title
- Prevent a blank title when naming a draft
- Refresh the scene after changing room.
- Fix the index on the Search options on Derive modal.
- Do not deactive the ‘New’ and ‘New from CHKN’ menu options when tab limit is reached.
- Exclude non-project tab from 4 tab limitation (specifically Preferences).
- Message Creator when a loaded Preview room contains no furniture node
- Show error on invalid PID search.
- Various bug fixes.
Released April 27, 2021
New Improvements and Features
- New Pop-up panel behavior! Pin your favorite pop-ups and they will stay on screen. Don’t pin them, and the will go away when you don’t need them.
- More Preview time optimizations! Once you’ve gone through an initial load and first preview of your project, subsequent previews should be much shorter.
- Set a global default room. If you have a favorite room you like to always create in, you can now set it in your preferences and it will load when creating a new project.
- Set a local default room. If you load a unique room from your inventory, the next time you open your draft project, that room will load with it.
- Derive Mode will now show your own products, even if they are marked hidden or display only.
- Snapshots are now saved to the snapshots directory in the projects folder.
Bug Fixes
- Windows: Preferences should exist only under “File” menu.
- Fix products with certain categories not opening.
- Fix certain Texture names breaking FBX Import.
- Fix FBX import with uppercase color-code textures.
- Fixed certain submitted/published projects not opening due to “XRF not found” error.
- Show the slot number in default material names and fix XRF parsing.
- Fix material asset missing extension, which prevented XRFs from loading.
- Fix some XMFs not loading due to backward incompatibility
- Load project gracefully after a network interruption.
- Ensure Texture Animation Mode dropdown matches its actual value.
- Fix product not opening if Texture name has no file extension.
- Disable other buttons when previewing and ensure correct button state after a preview.
- Fix the color inputs on the Material Inspector.
- Fix ‘Use vertex color’ and ‘Dynamic texture’ switch toggle not working in a second opened project
- Should set the placement dropdown to default room if the node is not set.
- Use the first Floor node as the default node instead of the first one in general when adding the furniture to the scene.
- Error messages should go away when clicking away from invalid input and the input should revert the value.
Released March 17, 2021
New Improvements and Features
- Significant improvements in Preview update process.
- Added “Prevent Fresnel on Full Transparency” setting in Material Inspector. By turning on this setting, if you have shininess set on a material, you will see no reflectivity on that material for sections that are 100% transparent.
- Only allow 1 popup at a time. We’re hoping this will make for a quicker and less confusing workflow when selecting materials.
- Added new tool tips across all areas of IMVU Studio. You can disable all tool tips in Preferences.
- Renamed and moved access to “Import CHKN”. It is now under File –> New From CHKN
- When importing multiple assets at once, if any assets fail, they will be listed in the confirmation window.
Bug Fixes
- When deriving or editing a product, if there has been no blending set, it should default to alpha test in Studio
- Fixed *hiressnap and *hiresnobg text shortcuts
- Fix blurry rendering in Derive Mode preview window
- Hide the “add” button for environment components.
- Allow Preview of oversized projects, show alert on Publish attempt.
- Add productId to tab data and use it in ProductEditSubmode.
- Prevent cached product info when opening submitted products.
- Retain furniture decoration change after preview
- Furniture edit in deco mode should not trigger save.
- Camera should not be reset on previewing furniture changes, camera should be reset and focus on the editing furniture on room shell change.
- Show more menu on selected item.
- Adding additional Error logging.
- Change the default selection on asset dropdown.
- Fix 3D scene getting into disabled state on Derive modal.
- Fix addFurnitureItem call in ProductEditScene to use new function signature (8 params vs 7).
- Add missing 2fa strings to global.json.
- Disable Rooms category if project model is room.
- Show default tile img if no thumbnail.
- Should enable preview button if there is an unpreviewed change when avatar being updated from inventory.
- Various UI and bug fixes.
Released March 1, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Save furniture placement in deco mode after a Preview.
- Prevent cached product info when opening submitted products.
- Close and save project from deco mode should not update the scene.
- Furniture edit in deco mode should not trigger save.
Released February 23, 2021
New Items and Features
- Updated all tooltips across the UI. You can also turn them off in the preferences.
- Updated UI in Derive Mode search. Choose between PID or product search in a single search bar.
- Total file size of your product is now displayed in the Info Panel
- New icon in the top menu bar for easy access to importing with two options – ‘Import Asset’ or ‘Import FBX’
- You can now import multiple assets at once (cal3d and image files)
- Derive Mode Search also now searches across product names AND keywords.
- Require a note when submitting a problem under “Report a Problem” in the help menu.
- In Home Mode, your draft products will show a PID on the product thumbnail if the draft originated from a published product.
Bug Fixes
- Ensure project tab always has title.
- Fixed comma separated triggers in the chat bar menu.
- Undo/Redo now works through the dropdown menu.
- Compatibility field for room/avatar disabled.
- Fixed the camera position on avatar.
- Fixed Client Creator compatibility for animations by setting same defaults in Studio.
- Changing texture should not reset the transparency mode back to composite.
- Only show full name tooltip if the name is truncated.
- Add search bar to help menu.
- More optimizations to the Preview process.
- Moving zoom menu item to macOS only.
- Changed Update Available button style.
- Cleaned up App menu items.
- Fixed community discussion link in the help menu.
- Removed Debug option from menu bar (for now).
- Add open tabs to window menu.
- Fixed the creator education center link in the help menu.
- On FBX import review, add size of items, and warning if over limit.
- FBX thumbnail images improved formatting, show size.
- Fixed body part compatibility not being preserved when you derive.
- Adding color palette to index xml.
- Direction values are stable when moving away from Particle Inspector.
- No longer auto assign asset on creating a new skeleton.
- Fix paste and copy in room decoration mode.
- Camera should not be reset on previewing furniture changes, camera should be reset and focus on the editing furniture on room shell change.
- Show “more” menu on selected Component List item.
- Various bug fixes.
Released January 18, 2021
New Items and Features
- Progressively load published products in Home. If you have a lot of published products, it should now be much quicker to view them with less loading .
- When looking at the derivation history, you can now select products anywhere in the history and the full list will persist.
- Add furniture triggers to chat box.
- Add loading indicator when adding item.
- Show mesh id in component list.
- Add tooltips to asset panel menu items and context menu items.
- Show a progress bar during bug report log submission.
- Add disabled items in the component ‘more’ menu.
Bug Fixes
- Fix texture loading issue on some submitted/published products.
- Fix Derive Modal loading only one collection.
- Fix missing Mesh(es) on CHKN import.
- Fix missing Textures on some published products.
- Carry profit and keywords from core to studio.
- Fix CSS which breaks dropdown.
- Show a dialog when an attempt to add or duplicate errors out.
- Fix duplicating a timeline item.
- Hide derived product on load error.
- Additional fix to remove unexpected triggers when deriving a furniture product.
- Remove image_filename from model.
- Saving unnecessary data on action on Studio will break it on Core.
- Error mesages don’t go away on slider change.
- Fix the category when searching in Inventory Panel.
- Update copyright to 2021
- Various bug fixes.
- Allow DeriveModal to open and show products even if one or more of those products fails to load.
Released December 10, 2020
New Items and Features
- Filter by Creator in Derive Mode
- Show preview on texture list item
- Remove size limit on XMF import
- Remember the selected category in Derive Mode
- Slider styling
- Add Skeleton View toggle
- Added ability for users to send logs when reporting bugs
Bug Fixes
- Fix undo of reverted material
- Fix typed-in Trigger not working
- Fix comma-separated Trigger action names
- Focus on the Furniture product after scene load
- Fix a misuse of removeEventListener function
- Resizing app should adjust the Popup position and fix right panel scrollbar, dragging Popup should remain inside Edit submode
- Fix log directory for main process logs on MacOS
- InputManager.js tests and improvements
- Automatically preview and trigger pose for MCG
- Fix FBX import from folder with trailing space
- Various bug fixes
Released November 17, 2020
New Items and Features
- Screen Snapshots
- Snapshot button will take a high quality image of your scene (4096 pixels wide)
- Snapshot quick commands can be entered into the chat window:
- *hiressnap – this will do the same thing as the snapshot button
- *hiresnobg – takes a high quality image of the product you are editing with an alpha channel
- Easily Toggle Decorate Mode On/Off for placing reference furniture items
- New decorate mode functionality
- visualize seat node actions by toggling mannequins on or off
- duplicate or delete furniture placement
- speed up or slow down actions
- Add ability to apply Minimum Coverage Guidelines to avatar
- Transparency UI has been reworked
Critical Bug Fix Release
- Stop Camera, furniture, avatar position changing on Preview.
- Fix GDPR error message on login page.
- Add backwards compatibility for Furniture Skeleton placement parameters.
- Fixes for Inventory room shell “In Use”.
- Fix Undo Remove Component issue.
- Deleting ensemble now makes Preview button active.
- Fix error when opening certain published rooms.
- Initialize Action Ensemble Playback Control when Ensemble selected.
- Fix Derive modal Search field only displaying products searched when selecting category 2nd time.
- Update fbx2cal3d import tool to fix error with many vertices.
- Fix missing Create button after network recovery.
- Various bug fixes.
Released October 22, 2020
Critical Bug Fix Release
- Fix error importing FBX with no Meshes
- Fix missing furniture with certain Inventory rooms
- Fix missing Texture on Undo
Released October 16, 2020
Bug Fixes
- AttachmentNode includes ‘furniture’ and ’01’ with ‘Floor’, ‘Wall’, or ‘Ceiling’.
- FBX Import dialog performance improvements.
- Clear furniture list when a new room shell is applied.
- Hide rating filter for non-AP users.
- Layout fixes.
- Relax file size constraints to mebibyte sizes (e.g. 2 * 1024 * 1024, rather than 2 * 1000 * 1000) to match server-side.
- Better job of matching categories: respect gender when matching for parent, Misc/Skins/Hair/etc names have changed.
- Better handling of network outages and refinements to the network outage page.
- Various bug fixes.
Released September 23, 2020
New Items and Features
- Enabled rotation/scale/position controls for furniture items you place from your inventory.
- If you’re testing out furniture placement with items from your inventory, you now have control over the rotation, scale and position of your items.
- Added local transparency priority.
- Transparent materials usually layer and render in the correct order. But, for some products
Bug Fixes
- Handle network outage on startup better.
- ProductEditSubmode recovery on network error.
- Make the tab bar item larger.
- Fix error on import of empty FBX.
- Add file extension check when uploading asset from asset dropdown.
- Enable preview button on compatibility change.
Released September 10, 2020
New Items and Features
- Added the Chat bar for triggering actions. This can be used for both testing actions in the project and triggering actions/poses that you are wearing.
- Relaxed camera constraints. Now you can zoom way in and waaaaay out! No way?!?…way.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Blending compatibility issues between IMVU Studio and Classic Client
- Improve importing assets from Mesh Inspector panel
- Make Open File dialog stay on top
- Show invalid error dialog when adding mesh/material asset with wrong file extension
- Correctly update furniture position when its skeleton attachment has changed
- Fix FBX mesh undo/redo
- Check for invalid XRF file when uploading from Inspector Panel
- Allow action to be used in Inventory with Empty Female Clothing
- Fix for texture on Materials on redo in certain situations.
- Enable the new component button for skeletons.
- Mesh LOD quality now locked to full resolution
Released August 23, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Alpha threshold section is now hidden if no opacity texture has been applied
- Various fixes to improve FBX import process
- Remove opacity/normal/shininess texture thumbnails upon Undo operations
- Fix error on furniture action playback
- Add an ‘all files’ option to the file selection filters
- Showing error dialog on oversized CFL to help with incompatible CHKN file imports
- Center align the alert modal text
- In Derive Mode, tweak the pattern allowed on PID entry to accept accidental spaces at the beginning/end
- Get more accurate information from ancestor actions
- In Home Mode, LastSaved/LastOpened sorting improved
- Handle network outages for social login
- UI fix on redo/undo adding ensemble
- Better compatibility when products are both 80 (female) and 191 (male) gender compatible
- Truncated component name should adjust its length when resized
- Show error dialog for renaming conflicts
- Fix inactive undo/redo button on changing skeleton placement
- Fix Asset panel more button placement
- Various bug fixes
Released August 5, 2020
New Items and Features
- Auto-reloading of assets
- If you have a project open in IMVU Studio, changing or updating any file in your corresponding system project folder will be detected by Studio and your project will be auto updated. For example:
- Navigate to your Asset Panel
- Choose any asset and in the dropdown menu, choose ‘Open In Folder’. This will open your project folder location
- Open a texture file, edit it in your favorite texture editor, and save it (as the same name)
- Go back to IMVU Studio and hit ‘Preview’. Your texture changes have been auto-updated. (Don’t forget to Save!)
- This works for mesh, skeleton and animation files as well, but just be careful you don’t change the fundamental structure of the file.
- If you have a project open in IMVU Studio, changing or updating any file in your corresponding system project folder will be detected by Studio and your project will be auto updated. For example:
- Added status pane to Home mode.
- Add Help FAB on Home mode
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the infamous ‘eyeball’ texture being inadvertently loaded when replacing certain textures!
- Removed Error tab (for now)
- Scrollbar, Column and Panel tab adjustments
- Fix multiplying XRFs when adding Material Component
- Disable Alpha Threshold setting if no opacity map has been loaded
- Show privileges on Preferences page
- Fixed missing meshes upon FBX import
- Fix missing textures on FBX import if name is same as ancestor.
- Fixed ‘Composite’ blending mode not being set upon FBX import
- Tidied up Inventory filters UI
Released July 14, 2020
New Items and Features
- Legacy support for importing .xrf material files directly from the Material inspector panel.
- File selection now allows the option to search all files
- Asset Panel allows you to ‘Remove Asset’ and the asset list will show how many times the asset is used in the project. If it’s ‘0’, you can delete it from the project.
- Updated thumbnail image and preview image sizes
- Consolidated thumbnail sizes in the Component Panel
- Updated Inventory Panel filter icons. It should be much more intuitive now for new users to find the filter options.
Bug Fixes
- Fix no undo on updating asset when saving the change
- Make Asset Panel show thumbnail for ‘jpeg’ as well as ‘jpg’
- Fix some styling issues with Material Inspector Panel
- Environment Component Name should not be editable
- Design/layout touchups
- Prevent the ability to drag/drop textures from the UI
- Fix Inspector always resets to new Material when a new Material is created even if on a Mesh component
Released July 2, 2020
New Items and Features
- Undo / Redo History!
- Add Apple and Facebook sign-in buttons.
Bug Fixes
- Add missing Alpha Threshold slider
- Update UI on Subsurface Shader and Blending Mode change.
- Add Image on Texture Picker should apply the image in the preview section.
- Improved gender checking on products.
- Reload the product lists when the sort changes.
- Retain submesh change when changing mesh and improve material mapping.
- Don’t trigger preview on first display of inspector panel
- Read/save ‘Overridable’ on material component.
- Change ‘Bottom’ to ‘Bottoms’.
- Play animation when avatar changes.
- Fix issue with ‘speed’ input field
- Make sure actions are triggered properly
- Fix issue when changing texture on a skin. It no longer loses the texture after re-opening project.
- Show an appropriate error for network errors on login.
- Update web deps.
- Fix issue with reverting on material component
- Fix import asset size check.
- Fix FBX import with no materials to project with no materials.
- Update some wording of error messages.
- Fix adding component shows 2 new components in panel.
- Fix meshes applied adding duplicate materials.
- Fix missing texture after add image/preview.
- Fix some styling issues with Material Inspector Panel.
- Allow large FBX imports.
- Fix FBX hang on empty room.
Released June 10, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Textures on skin materials would loses texture after re-open. No more!
- Allow mixed genders / undefined genders on Info Panel PID field. Compatibility field now accepts list of PIDs for multiple genders. Does *not* recategorize project.
- Don’t allow input with a trailing comma on compatibility
- Fix on input validation
- Reset height of filter panel when lists change
- Make filter panel sticky to prevent it scrolling with the list
- Fix mispelling in error message
- Show failed tag on failed peer review product on filter change
- Respect current dressup avatar when editing furniture or rooms
- Show immediate change on product status
- Correctly handle closing a tab that isn’t current active tab
- Correct dialog message for replacing project files
- Make adding/removing in-use looks more reliable
- Make value of name editing field consistent with component name
- When reverting subsurface shader from on to off, color picker should no longer be displayed
- Various bug fixes
Released June 1, 2020
New Items and Features
- Show all the compatibility PIDs in info panel
- FBX Import – Inspector Panel reset after import
- Make the preview progress a little more fine-grained
- Show ‘in review’ or ‘failed’ status on product in peer review
- Improved gender handling
- Styled tab bar
- Can submit as new and resubmit a submitted product
- Add link to ‘give us feedback’
Bug Fixes
- Fixed FBX Import mesh sometimes not replacing existing mesh
- Make the validations respect multiple compatibility PIDs
- Fix z-index of context menu in dialogs
- Fixed error on import of unchecked texture
- Error tooltip should go away when not on relevant screen
- Error message should be consistent between component and inspector panels
- Place avatar at the center of the scene for attachments
- Fix word-break/overflow-wrap settings for tooltips
Released May 18, 2020
New Items and Features
- Hide the usage info on Material inspector for now.
- Added tooltip for showing truncated text.
- Change action ‘name’ to ‘name/trigger’.
- Asset Panel thumbnails added.
- Update title of Ensembles popup to ‘Ensemble’.
- Create tooltip for breadcrumbs.
- Add error notifications to project submission.
- Add error tooltip if attempt to derive underivable product.
Bug Fixes
- Fix animation triggering.
- Fix some file extensions still showing up on Component names.
- Fix issue where Inspector Panel wouldn’t show up sometimes because of usage calculation.
- Update text on various error messaging
- Fix project/directory renaming.
- Fix Preview missing materials after mesh (XMF) import.
- Load the ambient color from ancestor or imported CHKN.
- Popups now properly overlap
- Provide an error dialog when a network error occurs opening a tab.
- Correct derivation fee calculated with hidden/disabled ancestors.
- Popup should be on top of sticky search box in Inventory panel.
- Do not include unused assets when building CFL.
- Camera will now stay put when previewing furniture changes.
- FBX import triggers preview.
- Layer dialog goes on top of the sticky positioned widget in the Inventory panel.
- Reload the Derive modal once recovered from lost network connection.
- Update TGA thumbnail to not use src file.
- Check thumbnail size before product submission
- Fix problem deriving parentless product.
- Allow owner to derive their own product.
- Add error for deriving from mis-categorized room.
- Fixed Community Discussion link.
- Highlight home tab if selected.
- Various Inventory Panel fixes.
- Fix Action not playing if comma is in the action name.
- Fix Action not playing after name change.
- Fix for circumstance where added ensemble initially not showing.
- Fix category counts when filtering.
- UI: Derive filter categories increased to 12px.
- Show product id on Info Panel if product is published
- Drop file extension for component names
- Disable the submit button when there are errors.
- FBX import no longer creates empty actions.
- Should show ‘more’ menu on the Component item after rename.
- Inventory panel: the search box and filter is sticky on the top when scrolling.
- Rename project directory to match product name on save.
- Add missing image on Asset list item.
- Deleting open project closes tab.
- Allow editing only one component name at a time.
- Add gender filtering for Product list.
- Fix background on layer preview images.
- ‘Add Material’ fix when replacing existing material.
- Fix the incorrect profile time logging.
- Update Texture Popup and Error dialog text copy.
- Various bug fixes.
0.17.8 – Initial Release
Released April 27, 2020