To customize the look of your accessories, you need to edit the textures in your preferred image editing software. In this tutorial, you will see how to use basic Photoshop features to make quick changes in the product’s textures. To get the image files that you will need for editing, see the Making an Accessory tutorial.
Editing the Frame and Lenses
STEP 1. Open the texture in Photoshop by clicking Open and navigating to where your frame texture is saved, or by dragging and dropping the image into Photoshop.
STEP 2. Create a new layer on top of the original image. To make sure the colors display properly, go to Image ➞ Mode and choose RGB.
STEP 3. Click on the rectangular selection tool and highlight the area of the glasses’ bridge (the gray area of the texture). Then, go to Select ➞ Inverse to select everything else except the bridge..
STEP 4. On the left-hand toolbar, click on the black foreground color and change it to a different color of your liking.
STEP 5. Click on the Paint Bucket tool then click on the selected area of the image. This will apply the selected color. Change the Blending Mode from Normal to Darken to show the frame layer underneath.
STEP 6. Save the image by going to File ➞ Save As and saving it as a .jpg file.
STEP 7. Follow the same instructions to load and change the color of the lenses texture (the white image you downloaded). Make sure to save it as a separate .jpg file.
Editing the Opacity Map
STEP 1. Load the grayscale opacity map that you downloaded into Photoshop.
STEP 2. Add a new layer above the map.
STEP 3. Restore the foreground and background colors to black and white respectively.
STEP 4. Right-click the Paint Bucket tool and select the Linear Gradient tool. Make sure to select an even distribution of black and white from foreground to background.
STEP 5. Drag he cursor across the image to create a gradient. You can drag across any direction you wish, but note that the black (the opaque part of the texture) will be concentrated on the point where you start the gradient from.
STEP 6. Save this file as a separate .jpg file.
Now that you have made your textures you can return to the Making an accessory tutorial and continue Creating Your Product.