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IMVU Studio Progress and Features

Hi Creators,

Thank you for your enthusiasm about IMVU Studio and your valuable feedback throughout the tool’s development process.

To date, we’ve shared new features with you the day they launch, but in the interest of being more transparent and giving you a more holistic view of the work being put into IMVU Studio, we want to go a step further.

Starting today we’ll be sharing periodic updates on future IMVU Studio features that are still in the works, or are being considered.

We hope this gives you a clearer view of what’s going on “behind the curtains” of IMVU Studio development. Our team is passionate about making IMVU Studio the best it can be and as you can see from our laundry list of features below, we are serious about making this happen.

Each week we review your feedback and consider as many of your suggestions and improvements as we can, based on popularity and feasibility.

In the world of product development not all feature dreams can come true, but we’ll do our utmost to make as many as possible come to life.

If you don’t see your dream feature in the lists below, stay tuned for a survey where you can provide your input. You can also provide feedback directly in IMVU Studio by using the feedback button as shown below.

Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 11.35.15 AM


  • Secondary Actors will be releasing soon! (Version 0.37.0)
  • More updates to Particle System
  • Burst effects
  • Particles attached to bones
  • Particles attached to accessory bones
  • Helpers
  • Blender and 3dsMax scripts for easy starter files and exporting to FBX.
  • Blender compatible skeleton (Finally animate your skeleton in Blender)
  • Material names will import properly from xmf or cfl imports.



  • Customizable UI (Ability to move panels where you want them)
  • Manual camera controls (buttons in the UI to control the camera for smooth camera movement, lock camera, control speed of scrolling)
  • First time user experience guided tours in Studio
  • Material finder (Click on a material in the component list and it will highlight the mesh it’s assigned to on your avatar…and visa versa!)
  • Saved look categories and favorite product folders in Inventory


  • Pause Animations
  • Ability to apply a skeletal action from an accessory
  • Peer review through IMVU Desktop & Web
  • Programmable experiences using Lua or Java


  • Smart FBX workflow (iterate on an fbx file and it will auto-load into Studio, just like cal3d files and texture maps).
  • Bulk processing operations (publishing, changing price, deleting, etc…)
  • Ability to add a decorated room from your inventory (not just an empty room product)
  • Choose your own location for your Project Folder
  • Choose your own location for your Snapshot Folder


  • Iridescence (glow)
  • Full screen colorization
  • Shadows
  • Lighting and Default Camera placement defined IN STUDIO
  • We are currently supporting 512×512 textures. Still planning to expand it to 1024×1024, but there are many performance issues to consider before we ccan allow this.