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Using IMVU Studio Toolkit for 3ds Max

Staring Toolkit

Studio Toolkit for 3ds Max is accessed through the main menu bar. When installed an ‘IMVU’ menu item is added to the main menu bar. To start Studio Toolkit just click on the ‘IMVU‘ menu and select ‘IMVU Studio Toolkit‘.

The Visuals Tool

This tool is useful when you are creating products that rely on the avatar such as Attachment, Clothing, and Avatar Animation products.

Creating a Room


  1. Adjust the initial size of the room with the X Y Z Sliders.
    • This can be adjusted at any point!
  2. Click ‘Create Room‘.
  3. Select which type of furniture seat you would like to add.
  4. Click ‘+ Furniture‘.
    • If you want to quickly make a grid of furniture nodes, use the direction arrows below ‘+ Furniture‘.
    • Set the distance with the number in the middle.
  5. Add any seat of your choosing.
    • The Custom seat is used to trigger animations of the same name.
    • If you would like to add or remove either Catcher/Pitcher nodes or Handle nodes, Use the Add Link Catcher or Break Link Catcher and Add Link Handle or Break Link Handle buttons to do so.
  6. If you would like to have a see through mesh, click ‘Create See Through Node‘.
    • Move the cone such that the point aims in the direction the mesh will be seen from. Whenever the camera moves behind the cone, the linked meshes will disappear.
    • To link an object, select the SeeThroughArmature Cone, along with any meshes you would like to link to it.
    • ClickLink To SeeThrough‘.
    • To unlink a SeeThrough node, select the mesh or meshes, and click Unlink SeeThrough.
  7. Export.

In IMVU Studio derive ‘Example 3D Scene‘ and import your FBX. file


Be sure any meshes you add to the room are inside the “EXPORT_ROOM” Layer or they will not be exported!

Creating Furniture

  1. Click ‘Create Furniture‘.
    • This will give you all of the nodes you need and a reference block for a sitting position.
  2. Add any seat of your choosing.
    • The Custom seat is used to trigger animations of the same name.
    • If you would like to add or remove either Catcher/Pitcher nodes or Handle nodes, Use the Add Link Catcher or Break Link Catcher and Add Link Handle or Break Link Handle buttons to do so.
  3. If you would like to have a see through mesh, click ‘Create See Through Node‘.
    • Move the cone such that the point aims in the direction the mesh will be seen from. Whenever the camera moves behind the cone, the linked meshes will disappear.
    • To link an object, select the SeeThroughArmature Cone, along with any meshes you would like to link to it.
    • ClickLink To SeeThrough‘.
    • To unlink a SeeThrough node, select the mesh or meshes, and click Unlink SeeThrough.
  4. If you animate your furniture you may give the animation a unique name that will be the name of the animation when imported into IMVU Studio.
  5. Export.

In IMVU Studio derive ‘Empty Furniture‘ and import your FBX .file


Be sure any meshes you add to the furniture are inside the “FURNITURE_EXPORT” Layer or they will not be exported!

Creating an Avatar Attachment

    1. Click ‘Create Attachment‘.
      • This sets up your scene with a base avatar for you to work from.
      • Make sure you only append from a fresh 3ds Max scene.
    2. Use the Visuals Tool to change the reference avatar mesh.
    3. Select the bone you want to parent it to by clicking the ‘Pick Bone’ button then selecting the bone from the viewport
    4. Create or import your accessory object
    5. Position it where you would like it to go
    6. Select your mesh
    7. Click ‘Setup Attachment’
    8. This will move your mesh into the export folder and hook it up to the AttachmentNode bone for you
    9.  Export.

Be sure all meshes you wish to export are inside the “ATTACHMENT_EXPORT” Layer or they will not be exported!

Step 7 ‘Setup Attachment‘ should have done this, but it is a good idea to double check.

In IMVU Studio

  • Derive ‘Empty Female Accessory‘ or ‘Empty Male Accessory
  • Import your FBX file
  • Select the bone in skeleton you wish to attach to
  • Click ‘Preview

Creating Avatar Clothing (or Body Part)

  1. Click ‘Create Clothing‘.
    • This sets up your scene with a base avatar for you to work from.
    • Make sure you only append from a fresh 3ds Max scene.
  2. Use the Visuals Tool to change the reference avatar mesh.
  3. Create or import your clothing object.
  4. Position it where you would like it to go.
  5. Click ‘Bind to Armature‘.
    • This will automatically weight the piece of clothing to nearby bones.
  6. Enter weight paint mode by clicking ‘Paint Weights‘.
  7. Enter pose mode by clicking ‘Pose‘.
    • In pose mode you can test the weighting by rotating the bones you wish to affect your mesh.
  8. Use the ‘Limit Bones‘ button to limit the number of bones weighted to every vertex to 6.
    • We recommend you do this periodically as you work and test your weighting.
    • This is essential to do before exporting, as IMVU studio does not accept more than 6 bones weighted per vertex.
  9. Export.

Be sure all meshes you wish to export are inside the “CLOTHING_EXPORT” Layer or they will not be exported!

Step 5 ‘Bind to Armature‘ should have done this, but it is a good idea to double check.

In IMVU Studio derive from the appropriate ‘Empty Female‘ or ‘Empty Male‘ clothing or body part based on what you are making and import your FBX file.

Creating an Avatar Animation

  • Click ‘Create Avatar Animation‘.
    • This sets up your scene with a base avatar for you to work from.
  • Enable ‘Make Pose’ To export one frame to be used as a static pose.
    • Using either the IK or FK controls pose your avatar and you are ready to export. Studio Toolkit handles all of the keyframing necessary to get your pose into IMVU Studio.
  • Enable ‘Export All Bones’ To export every bone, regardless of whether or not it has keyframes applied to it.
    • You might uncheck this if you want your animation to play only on bones which are animated. In this case the avatar idle animation will play at the same time as your animation. An example of this is when you trigger the action “wave”. The “wave” animation does not interrupt the avatar idle.
  • Animation Length‘ sets the length of the exported animation regardless of how many keyframes have been set in your scene.
  • Avatar Animation Name‘ sets a unique name for the animation (or pose) that will be the name of the animation when imported into IMVU Studio.
  • The avatar animation tool uses the built in 3ds Max animation controls ‘Set Key’ and ‘Auto Key’. When making avatar animations with Studio Tool kit you will animate and key the rig IK and FK controls.
    • Click ‘Delete Avatar Key’ to remove the keyframes on all IK and FK rig controls at the current time slider position.
    • Click ‘Reset Pose’ Resets the pose of the entire avatar if no bones are selected, otherwise just resets the selected bones. This does not remove keys, just returns the bones to their default t-pose rotation.

The Avatar Animation Tool keys both the IK and FK rig controls to keep them in sync.


  1. Select the rig handles and move them to set a starting pose for the avatar.
    • For consistency of process it is recommended to have frame ‘0’ remain the ‘t-pose’ and to have your first frame of animation and the starting position of the avatar be on frame ‘1’.
  2. Set keyframes by clicking the 3ds Max ‘Add Key‘ button.
    • Alternatively, activate the 3ds Max ‘Auto Key‘ button and a keyframe will be added every time you adjust any IK or FK control.
  3. Move the time slider, set your next pose and add a key.
  4. When you are done setting all of your keyframes and your animation is done, set the Animation Length in the tool panel.
  5. Export.

Exporting an avatar animation does not export any meshes. The only things exported are the skeleton and the animation data.


IK Controls are colored red  and typically support both move and rotate.

FK Controls are colored blue  and typically support only rotate as they mimic the movement of the joints of the human body.


The ‘Export’ and ‘Open Export Directory’ buttons will become enabled after you create a product using one of the Studio Toolkit tools and you saved your scene.


  • The Export button is universal and will export whichever type of product you created. If you have made a product that uses multiple tools, for example a prop action furniture product that uses both the Furniture and Avatar Animation tools, the Export Tool will produce two FBX files each with a corresponding tool prefix (e.g.: Furn_<your_filename>, AviAnim_<your_filename>)
  • Make sure you save your file first. The tool will complain if you have never saved when starting from a new file.
  • The FBX saved will be in the same location as the source file and named the same but with an FBX extension.

Open Export Directory

Click the Open Export Directory button to automatically open the file explorer to the location of your .max file


Click the Help button to return to this page at any time!


If an update is available, click UPDATE AVAILABLE! under the Export Tool Tab and download the latest version.

If you have questions about using the IMVU Studio toolkit, feel free to ask in our Creator Community Discussions HERE.

Updated on March 6, 2024

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